Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Break of Dawn

Break of Dawn

During the time of darkness when our sacred Mother Earth is fighting for her survival from the destruction by the greed of mankind, there was a sacred birth for from a single tear drop of pain, a birth for the hope to move beyond survival. Thunderbird was dancing in the sky, rain fell, lightening and thunders roared from the beast of the Supernatural world. The Sisuithl hunted for justice, and Eagle flew along the shores of the world looking for all our sacred Sisters, our warriors, the medicine keepers. Frog challenges all creation to be an element of change. Wolf and Bear come to our people with medicine, sacred knowledge in visions, and protection for those suffering. Mouse Woman searched for truth. Fog Women comes in the dead of night with her warnings we continue to ignore. All our Ancestors reach out to those left who walk the red road, guiding us with Visions, Dreams, and answers we seek for this world. All my relations, my sacred brothers and sisters, born from many great nations face too many challenges.
I lay in the womb of Mother Earth, and i weep. My body covered in mud, i scrape the ground, scream, and beg for mercy, for strength, for humility. I connect. The pain shoots through my heart, and i carry the weight of sufferings on my back, watching families being torn apart by governments, men and women unable to prevent the consumption of their souls. Corporations talking all they seek in greed, and still they want more. Our sacred brothers and sisters, the two legged, the four legged, the ones with wings, and the ones who swim and crawl all feel the doom of chaos approaching, like a big storm. Our Sacred Teachings wonder close to us, yet how do we embrace the truth. Like a dancer around the fire in the big house, honoring the flames of truth that burn deep within all our hearts. Night arrives with it full blooded moon that hovers above us, pulling at our souls, change, grow, become justice. Stars stretch far, but disappear over the cities with their man made pale yellow lights that drain from the water of the earth. This man made world, forces us to fight for freedom. Fueled by passions desire, love becomes a cheap coffee-table item picked up only when convenient. Love is more than that, when we truly embrace the warmth of love, we are connected to our creator, and in the sigh of the night, we become beautiful beings of hope. Fueled by passions desire, like star crossed lovers, we all search for the connection.
Land becomes a commodity, water becomes bottled and sold across the borders. Children starve, women loose their sacred purity, intergenerational  systemic cultural genocide. Murdered and missing women, are the police guilty? No more than you or I. For we are all equal, and equally responsible as well. Sell our spirituality for salvation. And this is supposed to hold some value?
Women become warriors again, standing in truth. In honor, saying this is enough! No more killing, no more abuse, no more disrespect. For when the world was young, our first mothers came from the love of Copper Woman, the Sacred Sisters danced into the four sacred directions. Each Nation on this Earth came from the birth and love of the First Sacred Sisters. Each one of us from the four sacred directions come with teachings. The Sacred Sisters of the East,Sisters of the South, Sisters of the West, Sisters of the North. All teachings, sacred knowledge, and ceremonies come from the gift of life these First Sacred Sisters created in the world. For we are all one heart. We shall have peace when all the daughters of Copper Woman come together in Unity. Embracing all our sacred selves, with beautiful pure courage.
Something is moving, a great new sound is rising, the brooks of water are flowing, the breeze blowing, do you hear the sound, of change in the hearts of all mankind…
Torn since the day we are born, because we are chosen to a fate. We have roles in our Nations that will save us all. Who we are will empower our brothers and sisters who need it the most. We are matriarchs, mothers, daughters, sisters, Medicine Women, Healers, Tricksters, Teachers, Students. Each individual belonging to a sacred circle where we are all equal, equally responsible. Responsible to ourselves, to our families, to our communities, to our nations, to our ancestors, to our creator.
We are all sacred children of Mother Earth. Brothers and sisters as we wonder through our life journey's seeking the truth of our existence in this world. Our world is a little off balance, its lacking the peace and harmony that it once had because we have forgotten we all belong to each other. Sacred Relations. Born with the power to love and protect. We are all born from the connection we have to our creator. Taking a vow before our conception to walk this life with respect for ourselves, and all living creatures. The creator guides us through life, to be with like minds, and to gently change all minds. Growth and human
acceptance is our key to peace and harmony. It is not impossible. To say it is a silly dream, and cant be done during our lifetime is like accepting defeat before we even began the battle.
When the World tells me to quit- I REFUSE. I stand with Mother Earth, and I acknowledge Grandfather Sky, Foam woman who's sister is Grandmother Moon as she pulls the tides of the oceans with her songs of change. I acknowledge the trickster, my beloved Raven Woman. She who found the sun, the stars, the moon, and they sky in the Treasure box. I acknowledge my sacred brother Eagle for he teaches us wisdom and patience, and keeps us all in line when we may wonder far from our journey. I sing a song for Grandfather Frog,  and wonder if Raven will go back to seek his counsel again. I watch Fog Woman roll into our world, carrying secret medicines of visions from the spiritual world. She brings back the hope of our forgotten ways. I call on the strength of Copper Woman to keep me going. The World keeps pushing me down, and this voice in my heart tells me to never surrender. To embrace the world in my heart like a sacred lover.I paddle all night, across the stars in the sky, the waves of freedom and hope lift my spirit into this world.
Dawn breaks, as does my heart many times. I have paddled all night, just as my sacred ancestors have many moons ago. She who paddles all night singing the chants of victory, of survival, for life is so sacred. The single night of paddling across the stars in the darkness is a life time on earth. The journey has began. Seduction of truth is a battle. Life after life my spirit comes back to this earth, walks another journey by choice. A restless spirit, haunted by the struggle of our Sacred Sisters and Sacred Brothers who live on Mother Earth. Choosing to come back for another life bringing hope, creating justice, and to lift-up all our relations.
The warrior song breaks into the pulsing beating heart of Mother Earths connection, across the skies, land, and seas of life..... a drum beat like that of all unity. An in-sync beat, like a war beat, eaches through all eternities, connecting every sacred spirit that comes and goes from this existence of life on Earth.The pulsing like the full blooded moon, power crashing like thunder and lightening. In this song, is our sacred teachings, and all life sings in graceful cries:
~ cherish knowledge, for this is wisdom~
~ open your heart in love, as this is peace~
~ honor all sacred creations, for this is respect~
~ face your fears with dignity, for this is bravery
~ know you are a sacred part of our circle of life, for this is humility~
~ accept all these sacred gifts as the truth, and live it with honor~
A woman warrior sits on the beach, the sun sets, and she reaches out to the horizon, sings the warrior song of balancing our gifts. The woman warrior, is the essence of Mother Earth. She is you, she is me, she is your mother, she is your grandmother, she is your sister. For we are all one heart.
Each new life our spirits choose to live, we bring forth these sacred gifts to the world. We bring hope, faith, courage, integrity, willingness, forgiveness, justice, spiritual awareness. Interconnected through all living creatures by our creator, Mother Earth.
Spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally- we are one. Born from the creation of faith, we travel through each lodge, dancing across the stars in the sky praying. I am living history, this is my story. I am Big Fire Woman. Born of pain, grief, reborn into healing, and becoming a warrior to protect all my sacred relations with our truth.
Who will dance with me around the fire? The flames taunt my spirit, for in the fire is our man made doorway to the spiritual realm. My heart soars like a Raven Women dancing for her lover, Eagle. A forsaken dance, where leadership is the romantic seduction of freedom. When I dance across the sandy floor, barefoot, that fire calls to me. Healing is a partnership, it takes the whole community to work together to uplift our Nations. Learn grace if you can honor your light within. Be honest, and hold that drum with honor.
Soon my spirit will take the old familiar journey through that final fourth valley, I have seen it before. Its beautiful there. A place where all warriors travel when their time has come. They chant for me to return to the other side, but I keep saying, just a little bit more time. Leave me here. I can do this. I hold my head up high, because this is my world. I am an accomplishment, worth more than the Governments Debts. I am a sacred life-bearer. I live principles of passion, dancing between the past and the future. Loving the spirit world, and this wold of reality. I see Raven, Eagle, Wolf, all our leaders pulling our canoes in different directions. WE are the gift of love, of compassion, but we ignore our spirits. We disconnect by living in a society that has taken it all from us, and wishes we were just colonized already.
My heart aches, my spirit fights back, and my body pushes me forward. Drumming on the beach with our Sacred Mother Earth to the horizon, chanting for truth. Singing with courage, for my lover in the horizon is the only one who can see the flame inside of me, and ignite it. Self medicated addictions to hide the trauma. Who's the abuser? Who has denied my brothers and sisters our land? Take it all in greed and sell it for more high rises. Only healing that can truly happen will be after Canada returns our land, our rights to protect the sacred riches mother earth provides us for life. This will be the spark of embracing. Empower my relations, for we will keep our roadblocks, we will take you to court, our stories will not go unheard, and our warriors will not sit still or turn a blind eye.

I am Big Fire Woman, singing the truth of our history. I am bold, yet weak. Light, and darkness. I am love, and hate. I come with warmth in my heart, the power to create change in my spirit. Very few believe me, and many will challenge my faith in our Sacred Truth. When I hold my drum with pride, the truth is yours too. Let me ignite in you the courage for victory, we will be free.


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